Home Warranty Coverage FAQs

At Home Protection Pros, it is our goal to give our customers the best experience when it comes to making decisions about home warranty coverage. Part of the way we do that is in addition to providing friendly customer service, we also make sure to give our customers all the information they need – leaving no question unanswered!

Learn more below or for more information about our homeowners warranty options, give us a call today .


The Questions We Hear the Most About Home Warranty Coverage

Making the decision to get home warranty coverage should be easy. We want our customers to move forward with confidence because they are well informed and know they are making the right choice when it comes to getting the best home warranty plan. Below are some of the more frequently asked questions we get from our discerning customers about home warranties.

What is a Home Warranty?

Having home warranty coverage means you have a service agreement tasked with covering the replacement or repairs of major components of the home, especially those that would not typically be covered under your insurance. Examples include breakdowns or normal wear and tear of things like your HVAC system or major appliances. While many companies offer a one-year service agreement, Home Protection Pros offers our customers a three-year service agreement.

What Does Home Warranty Coverage Provide That My Homeowner’s Insurance Does Not?

Your home warranty coverage is different from homeowner’s insurance in that the warranty is a service contract that covers home systems, appliances, and components from break down, and even just normal wear and tear. These include items that homeowner’s insurance typically does not cover.

Okay, But What About the Manufacturer Warranty?

In most cases, the manufacturer warranty covers only failed parts. However, it does not often provide coverage for the labor required to make the repairs or install these parts after the first year of ownership. Your home warranty coverage means parts and labor is taken care of, regardless of why it is needed!

When Can I Look Forward to My Coverage Beginning?

Depending on your situation, coverage on your home warranty begins either on the day of the closing for those buying a new home or after a 30 day waiting period has concluded.

How Long Does the Home Warranty Last?

At Home Protection Pros, our customers benefit from an extended three-year service contract. Many companies provide only one year of service.

Will I Need to Have a Home Inspection Completed Before I Can Enroll?

Nope! You do not need a home inspection to enroll with us. However, all we ask is that the covered items are properly installed, maintained, and in good working condition when you apply!

Will My House Stay Covered if I Sell it?

Yes! You can transfer the remainder of your coverage to the new buyer at the date of closing, offering a great incentive to potential buyers. All you need to do is give us a call and let us know when the closing date is and what the buyer’s name is. We will also need to see a settlement statement to verify the transfer of ownership.

Learn More About Our Home Warranty Coverage Options

For more information about the homeowners warranty coverage options we have available, request a quote online or give us a call .